Monday, December 31, 2007

Virginia Traverus--2007 Winding Down...

Virginia Traverus--2007 Winding Down...Well as I sit back and reminisce I have to go back to the beginning of 2007 when I joined YTB…I thought that I had got a hold of something that would change my life, instead what I got was a headache that would not quit. What I got was something that would line other people’s pockets and not my own. What I got was a group of people whom were only concerned about themselves and not others. Time was study progressing and I was going no where in this business. I thought about all the coulda, woulda, and even the shoulda’s still nothing would have made a difference in this company that was heading down hill. Now it’s August and still just donating money to my up line so they could get rich. Then that day came when I was introduced to a Legitimate Homebase Business that would enrich and change my life…TRAVERUS TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL. A Company that believes in helping the little guy’s to own there own Travel Business in this $7 Trillion Dollar Industry that by the end of the next decade will double to $14 Trillion. A Company that is located in 30+ countries. If you and I can get just 1 percent we will be okay. That is why I joined Traverus because they help others to achieve the financial freedom. Please let me not forget we are just like family. I am a Regional Executive after being in the Company for a short 4 months and on my way to National. I have obtained more in 4 months then I have achieved in 10 months with YTB.

If owning your own Home Base Business is your goal for 2008, you need to connect with Virginia Traverus. I am committed to helping anyone that is teachable, trainable and coachable to achieve financial success. Our motto: Is it takes teamwork to make the DreamWorks. If you have a dream to one day be successful the come join the team Young Gunz and we will make it worth your while

*Become a Certified Travel
*Spend time with your family
*The Price is Right $119.00 plus 49.95 website hosting fee
*Great Tax Benefits
*No purchasing of any tools

Virginia Traverus

I'm a featured blogger on Mamapedia Voices

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